Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
My Photographic Bucket List
What are some of YOUR ventures you wish to do before YOU die?
Here's my list:
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Senior Picture Season
Tis the season! No not necessarily christmas but, senior picture season! Where self proclaimed photographers like myself must flock to random fields and wait until sunset to capture the faces of our leaders of tomorrow. I do about 35 sessions a year and it seems like i have done even more this year already. My hometown of Kingfisher is where most of my clients come from and they've been steadily growing in attendance since i was a senior in 2009. I graduated with 88 kids. This year there are around 145 so a boom in pictures is understandable and trust me, at around 150 to 200 a shoot, I am not complaining. Here is an example of some shots I did of Alex.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Experimenting with light
Recently, i have had a project in my Photography in which i had to, simply enough, "Experiment with Light". Here's what i ended up with.
This first picture was taken using an extended exposure and a light bulb. How i made the light bulb light up will remain a mystery. A magician never reveals his secrets. Anyway, i like this one. Its simple. A twist on the "bright idea light bulb."
This is the Miss America crown from 2007. My friend Lauren was crowned on National Television and now this crown sits in a back room in her house hidden from everyone. The idea was to capture the fact that this crown had its couple minutes of fame and now will gather dust in a closet.
This first picture was taken using an extended exposure and a light bulb. How i made the light bulb light up will remain a mystery. A magician never reveals his secrets. Anyway, i like this one. Its simple. A twist on the "bright idea light bulb."
This is the Miss America crown from 2007. My friend Lauren was crowned on National Television and now this crown sits in a back room in her house hidden from everyone. The idea was to capture the fact that this crown had its couple minutes of fame and now will gather dust in a closet.
This picture oddly enough was taken down the middle of a paper towel roll. With a light at the end.
"Don't walk towards the light"
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Alan Smith
Our guest speaker on Tuesday was British writer Alan Smith. We were privilaged to have him as our guest because he has more of an international view on blogging. As a writer, Mr. Smith focused more on the rhetoric side of blogging. He is more of a critique of the grammar, spelling and other English based qualities. He was helpful to me as a blogger because one of the big blogging questions i had, finally been answered. Yes, grammar and sentence structure is a very important quality to a successful blog. Conforming to popular rhetoric and slang within a blog post is the quickest way to become viewed as cheap and immature.
As a writer, Alan was always trying to come up with new and improved writing styles in order to keep the attention of the viewer. He 110% sold his ideas to every publisher despite how negatively he viewed his writings. You have to sell the idea in order to even get thepublisher to consider reading it. Along with that, you actually have to have decent writing to get your work published. Another piece of advice Alan gave was that if you can't distiguish the apostrophe placement in your, you're, you might as well give it up!
As a writer, Alan was always trying to come up with new and improved writing styles in order to keep the attention of the viewer. He 110% sold his ideas to every publisher despite how negatively he viewed his writings. You have to sell the idea in order to even get thepublisher to consider reading it. Along with that, you actually have to have decent writing to get your work published. Another piece of advice Alan gave was that if you can't distiguish the apostrophe placement in your, you're, you might as well give it up!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Every Photographers Dream
Big news!
I have been accepted to live in Orlando in a place where dreams truly do come true!
Sound dreamy?
Sound like a fairy tale?

Well, the shoe certainly fits because in January I will be flying out to Disney World to study photography in Disney's college program! This oppurtunity has lingered in my dreams since 2009 and i'm finally getting the chance to experience the reality! This will drastically effect my blogging as I will begin to use my blog to post pictures, experiences, and thoughts during this adventure. It will help my family and friends keep up with my life from many miles away! I am beyond excited and my excitement will only grow as the steps towards my career unfold! Stay Tuned!
I have been accepted to live in Orlando in a place where dreams truly do come true!
Sound dreamy?
Sound like a fairy tale?

Well, the shoe certainly fits because in January I will be flying out to Disney World to study photography in Disney's college program! This oppurtunity has lingered in my dreams since 2009 and i'm finally getting the chance to experience the reality! This will drastically effect my blogging as I will begin to use my blog to post pictures, experiences, and thoughts during this adventure. It will help my family and friends keep up with my life from many miles away! I am beyond excited and my excitement will only grow as the steps towards my career unfold! Stay Tuned!
Rhea Blog Assignment
Upon hearing Rhea's speech, he mentioned one quality of a succesful blog that stuck out to me. He continuously stated how important the quantity rather than the quality is when trying to maintain a succesful blog. Constantly updating and consistentally evolving the information is a sure fire way to get numerous hits. I have lots of work to do in regards to the amount of time i spend blogging yet, I find that the more I blog, the more interested in blogging I become. I hope to continue to grow and learn more about the art and business of blogging as to where i can use it as a more effective tool upon every post.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Kurt Hochenauer-Creator of Okie Funk
I had the privilege of hearing award winning blogger Dr. Kurt Hochenauer speak in class last Thursday and i was surprised to find how enthralled i was in what it takes to become a successful blogger today. Despite the fact that he has made most of his success back in 2008 and 2009, he still remains today as a strong willed, successful liberal blogger in an extremely right wing state. I don't want to say it was easier to break into the blogging scene when he first started in 2004, but there was certainly less competition. Back in 2004, there was around 2.5 million blogs. Now, however, there is upwards of 200 million blogs. That being said, Dr. Hochenauer did an excellent job converging his media to the changing scene. He switched blog platforms multiple times as he grew in popularity. That is a feat in itself, let alone the feat of remaining a valuable read as a liberal blogger in Oklahoma. Sure, he gets his fair share of criticism, as do most controversial writers out there.
His status as a writer has also grown since he began writing. He has held multiple writing and editing jobs for various newspapers from the beginning of his blogging career. He has worked at the Oklahoman, the Tulsa Tribune, and the Kansas City Star. One of the most honorable things i found about Dr. Hochenauer is that he purposely does not accept revenue from his blogs success. The ads that would be a result from him accepting the money, he says, would clutter and cheapen his blog and disappoint his readers. My view on blogging has changed, in that, i don't necessarily need to compromise my beliefs and morals to please my readership. As long as i stick to my guns, proofread my work, and blog often, I'm pretty much guaranteed hits.
If you are interested in reading his work click the link below
His status as a writer has also grown since he began writing. He has held multiple writing and editing jobs for various newspapers from the beginning of his blogging career. He has worked at the Oklahoman, the Tulsa Tribune, and the Kansas City Star. One of the most honorable things i found about Dr. Hochenauer is that he purposely does not accept revenue from his blogs success. The ads that would be a result from him accepting the money, he says, would clutter and cheapen his blog and disappoint his readers. My view on blogging has changed, in that, i don't necessarily need to compromise my beliefs and morals to please my readership. As long as i stick to my guns, proofread my work, and blog often, I'm pretty much guaranteed hits.
If you are interested in reading his work click the link below
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Long Exposure Photography-Part 2
Long Exposure Photography
From the
splitting of an atom, to galaxies far, far away, pictures have been used to
develop and spread information all across humanity. It has played an
outlandishly large role in the development of society since it’s introduction
in France in the early 1800s. Joseph
Nicéphore Niépce most likely knew, upon taking his first photo, he had stumbled
upon something that would revolutionize the way information was spread. This
invention along with the variety and artistry involved with taking and
examining photos continues to shape the way we live our lives; more so than the
typical person may be aware of. There
are many different types of photography. One such type is Long exposure
Long exposure photography is a style
in which the shutter is left open for as longer amount of time (be in 8 seconds
or 8 hours) as to let more light in. therefore brightening and sometimes
blurring any movement. It captures a
different point of view and skews the way a viewer perceives time. It’s almost
an eccentric way of capturing movement yet it has also been used to capture an
eerily still environment. One of the
many different styles of long exposure photography is the way in which space is
examined. It’s used for research purposes and artistic purposes.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Rich Get Richer and the Poor get...More Poor
"We are the 1%"
No, Occupy wall streeters. You're more like roughly the 21%.
ANYWAY, I covered the article in the New York Time's called, "Income Data Shows Widening Gap Between New York City's Richest and Poorest".
Now, pause for a moment while we recognize the uncanny ability of New York Time's writer Sam Roberts to come up with a catchy title...*continued ellipses*
Despite the title being..questionably witty, the content of this article was actually somewhat surprising to me. Since the recession officially ended in 2009 and Mayor Bloomberg has repeatedly conveyed the imminent and "obvious" recovery of New York's economy, recent data shows that, actually, this politician may be lying. or maybe he's just been given bad information? Surely he wouldn't lie to the city to maintain the job of mayor and keep a reputation?..I digress.
The percentage difference between the financial eschelons in New York actually got worse this last year(or better depending on which end you look at it from), climbing almost a full percent! A full percent!
Here are the numbers:
The poverty rate is now at 20.9%--up from 20.1% last year.
-Median Household Income: $49, 461--Down $821 from last year (as compared to this # being down $642 nationally
-Median income for the LOWEST fifth (the poor side of town): $8, 844--down $463
-Median income for the highest fifth in town: $223, 285--UP $1, 919
In Manhattan, the numbers are more steep.
The rich brought in an average of $391,022
The poor only $9, 681
The only other city in the nation that reported this steep of an income gap was Clarke County, Ga.
Granted, 1/3 of Clarke County residents are college students.
No, Occupy wall streeters. You're more like roughly the 21%.
ANYWAY, I covered the article in the New York Time's called, "Income Data Shows Widening Gap Between New York City's Richest and Poorest".
Now, pause for a moment while we recognize the uncanny ability of New York Time's writer Sam Roberts to come up with a catchy title...*continued ellipses*
Despite the title being..questionably witty, the content of this article was actually somewhat surprising to me. Since the recession officially ended in 2009 and Mayor Bloomberg has repeatedly conveyed the imminent and "obvious" recovery of New York's economy, recent data shows that, actually, this politician may be lying. or maybe he's just been given bad information? Surely he wouldn't lie to the city to maintain the job of mayor and keep a reputation?..I digress.
The percentage difference between the financial eschelons in New York actually got worse this last year(or better depending on which end you look at it from), climbing almost a full percent! A full percent!
Here are the numbers:
The poverty rate is now at 20.9%--up from 20.1% last year.
-Median Household Income: $49, 461--Down $821 from last year (as compared to this # being down $642 nationally
-Median income for the LOWEST fifth (the poor side of town): $8, 844--down $463
-Median income for the highest fifth in town: $223, 285--UP $1, 919
In Manhattan, the numbers are more steep.
The rich brought in an average of $391,022
The poor only $9, 681
The only other city in the nation that reported this steep of an income gap was Clarke County, Ga.
Granted, 1/3 of Clarke County residents are college students.
Click HERE to see Sam's article.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Experimenting with Long Exposures
With these pictures i have set the Shutter speed to "bulb" which means the shutter will remain open until i direct it to close. This setting can make nighttime almost seem like daytime. Let me show you what i mean.
Let there be light!
Taken on 2nd Street just outside Freddies, this shot was about a 15 second exposure.
Any light visible to the lens during the exposure will almost be magnified due to the length of time the lens sees the light.
You may also have seen pictures of cars on the highway that look like all of the headlights and taillights are blurred together to create just one line. This, again, is done with a long exposure.
This was taken on Bryant just North of OU Medical Center on 2nd street. There are less street lights on this part of the road which makes it easier to avoid what i call "Light Pollution" when unwanted light finds its way into the lens therefore spoiling any hope to keep the surrounding area dark.
Notice the fountain. (Not the best fountain to show off long exposure photography)
Im actually not a fan of this picture but my roommate liked it therefore i will show it.
Now, not all long exposures are used to show light blur. Sometimes its used to simply let more light in and make the picture brighter. Its tough though because there can't be any movement in the shot or it will blur.
Here's an example.
This picture take in Edmonds First Baptist church. It is too dark and needs to be better lit. Well, when you set it to a longer exposure the following is what you'll get.
The lights didn't change. Just the exposure time. I apologize for the slight blur (I forgot my tripod) ;)
I hope you find time to get out there and try some longer exposures! Its one of my favorite things to do!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Blog Review Assignment
I decided to review the blog "[Tech Blog] Microsoft in the Hardware Biz" by Shane Kempton.
This blog helped me realize many simple things to quickly raise the "wow" factor on my blog. Due to this blog being completely simple and more like an online article, I don't necessarily think it has a "wow" factor. There are a few things, however, that make me more interested in reading it.
To begin, it has line breaks in the text to start new paragraphs and to keep the reader's mind from overheating. Also, it keeps the text alive by adding pictures and links to go to different sites that explain the material. This is extremely useful in order to better explain the topic of your text especially if you, as the blogger, are having trouble explaining your point.
This blog helped me realize many simple things to quickly raise the "wow" factor on my blog. Due to this blog being completely simple and more like an online article, I don't necessarily think it has a "wow" factor. There are a few things, however, that make me more interested in reading it.
To begin, it has line breaks in the text to start new paragraphs and to keep the reader's mind from overheating. Also, it keeps the text alive by adding pictures and links to go to different sites that explain the material. This is extremely useful in order to better explain the topic of your text especially if you, as the blogger, are having trouble explaining your point.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
As Grief Turns to Pride

Since photography was first introduced, pictures have been used as a way to convey emotion, bring back memories, and tell such incredible stories that words just won't do them justice. One such story is that of a calm September morning that changed the course of American history.
To this day, the pictures that were taken on that fateful day still have the ability to bring up unspeakable emotion. Untellable anger. Unfathomable grief.
But, After the dust settled and the rubble was cleaned up, our anger turned to advancement. Our grief turned to pride.
We will always remember..
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The State of the Bloggersphere-What i Learned
Every year the president stands on a podium and gives a speech to Millions of people called "The State of the Union", simply named, due to the fact that he's discussing....well...the state of our union! All politics, lies, and half hearted devotions aside, Technorati releases similar data every year except they explain the State of the Bloggersphere. All the research they've attained after polling, scanning, and counting through all the bloggers and blogs is taken and they post these findings on Technorati's website.
Most researchers tend to post their results in hard to find places and the majority of the time they're hard to read. Seems to me, 90% of the time those results might as well be in Chinese because they're so hard to decipher. Technorati's "State of the Blogosphere" is a very useful tool, in that, it's very easy to read, straight forward research that is relatively easy to find. Their graphs and tables representing their data seems to be the most effective way of distributing their findings. I learned many things while reading through the results. Some of the things i learned i had already inferred and some i hadn't. I was surprised to find that the majority of bloggers are actually male. Its not a stereotype to say that i thought women would be more into blogging, its just that, in my experience, girls seem to be the one's more interested in finding emotional outlets. ;) i.e blogging. As you can see, my thought wasn't completely outrageous. Girls dominate the social world aside from only one: blogging.
Most researchers tend to post their results in hard to find places and the majority of the time they're hard to read. Seems to me, 90% of the time those results might as well be in Chinese because they're so hard to decipher. Technorati's "State of the Blogosphere" is a very useful tool, in that, it's very easy to read, straight forward research that is relatively easy to find. Their graphs and tables representing their data seems to be the most effective way of distributing their findings. I learned many things while reading through the results. Some of the things i learned i had already inferred and some i hadn't. I was surprised to find that the majority of bloggers are actually male. Its not a stereotype to say that i thought women would be more into blogging, its just that, in my experience, girls seem to be the one's more interested in finding emotional outlets. ;) i.e blogging. As you can see, my thought wasn't completely outrageous. Girls dominate the social world aside from only one: blogging.
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